Tehran Restaurants

Tehran Restaurants & Cáfe

Here are the lists of our suggestions for restaurants and cáfes in Tehran, mostly near the monuments and the route that we have suggested in our itineraries. Choose your favorite one and then send us an email of the the date that you are going there and we will send u the promotion code to have some discount. Contact us


You must have heard about “Abgoosht” or “Dizi”. A typical dish in between Iranians, made with lamb, chickpeas, white beans, onion, potatoes, tomatoes, turmeric, and dried lime. Zamen restaurant is specialized in this type of dish and doesn’t serve anything else, it is such a delicious food but only suggested for lunch not dinner.

It is located in the center of Tehran, so the day you are visiting the old neighborhood of Tehran where most of the museums are, have your lunch there. The restaurant is also famous as the house of “Mansour Shahbaz” who used to be one of the tailors of “Farah Diba” before the revolution. So that’s why it is decorated with lots of antiques and it has all the feelings of 80s century.

The day you are visiting Niavaran palace, have your lunch in Morshed restaurant. They serve different types of Kabab and they are so famous for the fresh meat and their great way of cooking that makes you never forget the taste of juicy Iranian Kabab.

It is so crowded most of the time especially on the weekend (Thursdays & Fridays) so don’t expect a quite and relaxing place, they are always people and families around who are talking and laughing. The food portions are so big so don’t order a dish for each one, you can share each order with two people. There is no vegetarian dish in the menu so if you are a vegetarian go for the other suggestion of us.

The other option for the day you are visiting Niavaran palace or generally the north part of Tehran is: Mestooran restaurant. It is such a nice place with a different menu, they serve Persian food but with a little touch of western food that makes it a little kind of international food that goes with everyone’s taste. Don’t miss their great salad and you can try “Dough” the yogurt beverage.

It’s a common place in between young people to have lunch or dinner together and have some fun. The food portion is n’t so small, so if you can order less than the normal restaurants. The prices are a little high but you can send us an email to get promotional code to have some discount.

If you are looking for somewhere especial, relaxing, with a great menu and oldies design then go to Cáfe Tehroon. The day you are visiting the city center you can go there for lunch, dinner or coffee. They serve some Iranian light food that are mostly vegetarian and also some of the best infusion and organic beverages.

They are some daily foods to order that depends on when you are going there, but you can ask for “Kashke Bademjan” an eggplant dish which is so tasty and some people always go there to eat this one. The atmosphere is fascinating, and old renovated house with two floors, a nice garden and terrace. The prices are so reasonable but you can always ask us for promotional codes.