Shiraz Itinerary

Shiraz Old Neighborhood

This is the first route to go in Shiraz. If you want to book a hotel try to find the ones on Zand street to be near Shiraz attractions, monuments, and the city center, so you can go everywhere walking. Go directly to Shohada square and if you are away from it, take the subway to Zandiyeh station, and then there will be a 10-minute walk to the castle.

Karim Khan Castle is right next to Shohada square and you can find it easily, buy the ticket and get inside (a 30-minute visit). Walk to the next point which is Vakil Complex, including: Vakil Mosque (a 25-minute visit), Historic Bath (a 20-minute visit) and Vakil Bazaar. Depending on your taste the visit of the bazaar can be so short or long, but we suggest spending some time in the entrance where there are some outdoor cafes (in the same place you can find, Dokhtaroo Store, the ladies outerwear brand that we introduced in the first page) or get inside the bazaar the first door on the left, get into one of the yards called: “Saraye Fil” where there are some cafes and handicrafts store, enjoy your time in this pleasant atmosphere and then keep going in the bazaar to “Saraye Moshir” and in the meanwhile take a look at the stores and the magnificent architecture of the market. Use your time to buy the souvenirs you are looking for in Saraye Moshir and as you get out of it try some saffron ice cream in the stores around, a popular place where so many people come to have fun.

As you get out of the bazaar, go to Shah Cheragh Shrine (a holy place that ladies should go with chador) always the shrine guides accompany you to enter the complex and give you the explanation, you are not allowed to enter alone. More or less you need one hour or one hour and a half to visit the place, after that once again keep walking till Nasir Mosque (Rose Mosque) and have a short visit of this amazing place (Those colorful pictures of the mosque hall with the sunshine reflection are for early in the morning, you need to go there in between 7 to 9 am.). The last place to visit is: Narenjestan Qavam, a relaxing place to visit and spend the last hours of your day. Take a taxi or Snapp back to the hotel.

The best food to try in Shiraz is Kalam Polo or Kabab Tabeh for lunch (you can have more information on Shiraz Restaurants & Café page).

All the entrees cost 1,900,000 Rial, and depending on what you eat it will cost in between 500,000 till 1,500,000 Rial for each person.

Literature, Poetry and Shiraz

This is not an intensive day, so take your time and do the visits so slowly in this amazing destination of Iran. First, in the morning take a taxi or Snapp to Eram Garden.

Eram Garden (a 40-minute visit) is the best place for starting in the morning, because the weather is so cool and pleasant and if it’s the weekend there would be a lot of people so you can have a conversation with local people. After that take a little walk in the same Eram Blvd that is so beautiful with many trees around, as soon as arriving to Azadi park, take a snapp to Qoran Gate (you can also leave this gate for the day that you head to Persepolis), it’s going to be a short visit but if it’s the weekend at this time of the morning till afternoon you would find a lot of families who spend their time on a picnic in the park around. As a Persian tradition they would offer you something to eat and would treat you so friendly, it is even possible that they invite you for lunch. The next place is, Hafez Tomb (a 30-minute visit), where a lot of Persian literature lovers go to spend some time and say hello to the memory of this great poet of the country. The place is wonderful with a nice garden and youngers around. The last place to visit on this day will be Tomb of Sa’di (a 20-minute visit), another famous poet, and after this one you can take a Snapp back to the hotel or take some more walk around and then going to the hotel or going somewhere to eat dinner, need to know where? So Click Here.

The best food to try in Shiraz in the second day is Shish Lik or Fesenjoon stew with rice and Shirazi salad. (you can have more information on Shiraz Restaurants & Café page).

All the entrees cost 1,500,000 Rial, and depending on what you eat it will cost in between 500,000 till 1,500,000 Rial for each person.

Persian Empire & Shiraz

The third day of Shiraz can be a program to visit the Persian empire monuments and then leave the city toward Yazd or Isfahan. Or getting back to the city after lunch and staying one more night in Shiraz.

Leave the city at 8 to arrive to Persepolis at 9 am, and start the visit after buying the ticket. This is somehow the most important monument of Iran so read enough about it before the visit, if you don’t have a guide with yourself ask from the entrance guys for the local guides to accompany you,  they charge you by an hour. Approximately it takes one hour and a half to see the whole complex. Some important points: if you are visiting Iran in the summer or the end of June leave the city at 7 am. to finish the visit before the heat. Don’t forget to have bottled water, sunscreen and put on some light clothes, preferably light colors to be comfortable. Bringing backpacks there is forbidden. The next place to visit is, Naghshe Rostam and Naghshe Rajab. If you don’t have time just go for Naghshe Rostam. It’s just 10 minutes away from Persepolis by car. When you finish them all eat your lunch in the restaurant around and get back to Shiraz, and if you want to go to another city then keep driving to Pasargadae, the old Persian empire capital, have your lunch before the visit and then in Pasargadae you need two hours to finish the whole complex, it is big and you need to wait for the taxi shuttle in the complex to take you to the palaces.

Enjoying Iran culinary? The best food to try on the road to Shiraz is chicken stuff with Shirazi salad. (you can have more information on Shiraz Restaurants & Café page).

All the entrees cost 2,000,000 Rial, and depending on what you eat it will cost in between 500,000 till 1,000,000 Rial for each person.


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